The Toddler Sleep Guide: 18 months – 3 years


Struggling with your toddlers sleep?

  • Want to know what’s normal, and why?
  • Want to figure out what your child’s sleep needs are?
  • Want to work out a sleep routine that works for them?
  • Want to reduce night waking, put an end to early rising or improve naps?
  • Want to make changes without leaving your little one to cry?

This 54 page, comprehensive guide contains EVERYTHING you need to tackle those sleep issues.



What’s included in the guide?

  • A detailed explanation of the science behind your child’s sleep.
  • Realistic expectations for your child’s sleep (based on their age), and how to tackle common issues that crop up.
  • The “quick wins” to put into action TODAY to get better sleep.
  • A breakdown of red flags to look into if your child wakes very frequently.
  • An understanding of how and why toddler behaviour can impact sleep (and techniques to improve things)
  • A detailed explanation of how to work out your child’s individual sleep needs (and what this means!)
  • How to address a series of common sleep issues (e.g. false starts, early rising, short naps)
  • How to develop an age-appropriate nap routine based on your little one’s age & sleep needs (including examples)
  • Information on how to change unsustainable habits – without using crying methods.
  • How to address overnight waking and night feeds (including cutting down or night weaning).

Why is it different to other guides?

Most sleep guides offer generic advice, or ‘one size fits all’ sleep schedules that won’t work for most children. Our sleep guides are specific to your child’s age group, but also focus heavily on understanding your child’s individual sleep needs. Every child is different, and it’s important that we consider their sleep requirements, personality & age when making changes to sleep.