Chloe’s Story
The Doze Ethos
Reassurance about what’s normal.
If you spend one minute on the internet, you’ll come across a pile of unrealistic expectations for babies’ sleep. When in fact, it really is quite normal for babies to struggle with their sleep. Letting go of unrealistic expectations can make a huge difference!
Sleep made simple.
At the heart of it, sleep follows quite a logical pattern. Our children can only sleep a certain number of hours, and the best way to create a routine is to base it off these needs. You’ll never get a generic routine off us, and we also won’t terrify you with talk of overtiredness.
Practical and evidence-based advice.
We have helped families with every sleep issue under the sun, including early rising, split nights, bedtime battles, frequent wakes, moving away from bed sharing and night weaning. All without ever leaving a baby to cry alone.
meet the wider team
Meet the qualified Holistic Sleep Coaches who work alongside Chloe…
OUR approach & Methods
All of the methods we recommend are responsive and attachment-friendly. Whilst we can never promise there will be no tears, we can promise that you will always be able to respond to these tears. It is our firm belief that a child should never be left alone whilst crying.
- Using an understanding of 24-hour sleep needs to create bespoke routines and schedules
- Increasing daily predictability to optimize a child’s circadian rhythm
- Tweaks to the sleep environment
- Developing solid sleep routines and rituals
- Creating positive associations around sleep
- Gradual sleep coaching methods to move away from unsustainable behaviours
- Gradual sleep coaching methods to move towards independent sleep
- Setting boundaries around night feeds
- Gentle night weaning for older babies and children
- Cry-it-out
- Controlled crying
- Ferber Method sleep training
- ‘Spaced Soothing’ or other interval check-in methods
- Doing anything you feel uncomfortable with
What it’s like working with US?
My Certifications
Chloe Djabarouti, Founder of Doze Sleep Coaching
BSc Psychology, MRes Psychology & OCN Level 6 Holistic Sleep Coach